Thursday, June 30, 2011

Dear Fuddy (Duddy?)

  Even the response has a ring of "J'ne se qua!" I had a dream from out of the blue yesterday that the Mrs. took the family to the actual surprise location! I'm 95% right about things like this, my track record is speaks for itself, right place right time, and my ominous feelings are proving themselves through others! It's only a matter of time before everyone goes cut throat on our own majesty.
  Hey, it was a dream remember? However, I recall a day when there was no internet and you had to buy information by mail. Today it's called snail mail and that's all bad. Oh, I live a long time and can see through things! I bought a book once on how to legally change your name, illegally change your identity, parlay a minimum into a vast fortune and how to do many things for free! In my heart, there was a child that passed away and the "certificate" was altered omitting the mother's name allowing the short to pass!
  With that "Know ye therefore" "HE" believes" the date to be the right one. Happy Birthday Sir! It's within the date of 6/28-7/24 (for "I" believe the actual date is within the certificate.

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