Thursday, March 10, 2022


 Для прекрасних людей #УКРАЇНИ, моє серце з вами. Ми її теж не вільні. Ви не можете писати чи говорити будь-якою мовою, якою забажаєте. Ее

тут також все контролюється.

Жінка, яку я знав як моя бабуся, усиновила мою матір, і я був усвідомлений жорстокими діями більшовиків. Вона була росіянка. Вона народилася в Мурмуризмі і прибула до Нью-Йорка 27-річною дівчиною в 1927 році.

Я говорю все це тому, що написав пост безпосередньо перед цим, у якому він був спрямований безпосередньо на «його», оскільки «він» зробив «свої» перші напади. Світ досі в жаху. Моє серце не хотілося надіслати записку самому дияволу. Воно було написано російською мовою. Це було лише питанням часу, коли рекламодавці запанікують. Вони не усвідомлюють, що я був не філією, а амасадором.

У мене боляче серце.

Шукайте притулку. Рухайтеся і продовжуйте рухатися. Не хвилюйтеся, майбутнє буде забезпечене. Приїжджайте на деякий час до Техасу і закріпіть себе. Будьте з кращих людей. Будьте республіканцями. Не так, як скаржаться ті, що радіють.

Новий світ у криптовалюті, і ось чому ця війна. Ви всі одужаєте. Ми вам допоможемо. Якщо можливо, я розширю свою адресу, якщо у вас виникнуть запитання щодо Сан-Антоніо, Техас.

На початку року стає жарко і залишається таким протягом дев’яти місяців у році.

У вас усіх попереду багато роботи. Немає часу сумувати. Прийде той час. Це дуже негарна сутність.

Бабуся навчила мене молитві Блакитної армії:

Боже мій,

в єдності з Непорочним Серцем Марії,

Я пропоную Тобі Дорогоцінну Кров Ісуса,

від Усіх Вівтарів у всьому світі і приєднуючи до нього жертву кожної моєї думки, слова і дії цього дня.

О мій Ісусе,

Сьогодні я бажаю отримати всі відпустки та заслуги, які тільки можу, і пропоную їх разом із собою Непорочній Марії, щоб Вона найкраще застосувала їх до інтересів Найсвятішого Серця.

О, дорогоцінна кров Ісуса, спаси нас,

Непорочне Серце Марії, молись за нас,

Пресвяте Серце Ісуса помилуй нас

.... Скажи це рано вранці до кінця свого життя. Це проведе вас. Наприкінці дня скажіть «Дякую за Милосердя».

мені і моєму.


Thursday, January 10, 2019


In rushing this statement I will sound juvenile. The 'wall' must be started 'now'! Actually, it should have been started with the beginning of Homeland. Most people do not see the progression (if you can call it that) and/or development of the United States because of everyday activities. 
Twenty years ago, living in New York, I noticed there were migrants so fresh off the vine they didn't speak English. Some even took residence in parts of Long Island. A place where the violence was that of cats in a bird sanctuary zone. Today, there is a faction that comes from just beneath our feet. 
Now I will not go into the Democratic agenda but it's not good! Too much has 'quietly' slipped past the noses of the American people and it's because the government has grown totally out of control. So much so that the American people are lead like cattle to slaughter and they don't care. If they were informed of their choices, they might have a change of heart about some things.
 Since I moved here to Texas, I got to see and hear the truth about details of how migrants are processed once they are in our country. It's not easy to just blurt the words. It gets complicated and there are many migrants that come in waves. It's past the point of hysterics. Imagine if there was the obvious mass migration. It is that now. I mean where the media can not hide the truth anymore. 
 The wall will take time to build. For reasons of inflation we will/must have to factor that and word of mouth free for all start now.
 Each state is going to have to ask for their share of building proportions but it must be done and it must be a commitment. Bordering states are the ones being impacted by the implosion. Our communities are being brought down in class because htere are so many already here that don't understand our way of life and what is clasy and beautiful. They are resistant to our medical drugs making it a very dangerous situation ready to explode. We eat their food processed by their hands and we have seen the results of contamination to our food supply. The American people do not understand this. Simple understanding of hand washing and where and how germs are passed are not in their everyday understanding. 
 The American people are governed every day by their emotions. They care and not from minute to minute but have their minds 'set' on certain issues, disregarding the moral values their propose. Those very morals conflict with each other. How can you advocate for someone/people from another country and abort at the same time? Call it what it is!           

Wednesday, August 16, 2017

My my my haven't we evolved. The ugly mouths are surviving just fine. In fact they're on top of it all! I don't know where to begin, I'm not into exclusive editorials.

The words above where intended to be published 2/2014.. It was the many times the president (at the time) boasted of his good works. His vanity irked me to no end. I never got around to display my displeasure. Then the news headlines took over. Today, after having awakened with the reality that what I knew was true and real. That the media was controlled to dumb us down and hate each other and push major products  and they control 'us'. The ultimate awards for journalism was a joke. The finest of the vain boasted and ridiculed, bullied and disregarded the whole human race. Life is not sacred. Life is expendable. Every 'body', living and sacrificed means nothing to the people we trust to report, document and sanctify, everything we know and do, past, present and future.
That whole solidarity thing has neither merit or validity at that level. The bottom line is the people. The quiet ones. Those are the ones that made this change we are in now. While the media reports to the people, super sensational mega extraordinaire over the top sell me with snarkism crap, we the people sit back and wonder at which point we jump in to save the world or ourselves.
We should be reporting on all the destruction at the hands of companies that feed us and destroy us at the same time. On companies that, heal us and kill us at the same time. Companies that have the nerve to snub their nose at the the President of Our Country. Well guess what? There will be a difference  in their pockets come the next eight quarters. Little by little they will panic.
Pull out! Go ahead! Do it! I'm nowhere near finished, I'm just sleepy.

Monday, May 29, 2017

I'm being urged to say a few words. Years have gone by. I was expecting many to go naturally, if at best. They have. Many shockers. Much shock to a nation is the other half of the nation. 
The Vatican has an alien agenda. Everybody's  commie.Comey coocoo caca ... I think it's all a distraction to cover up the truth, put the blame on, loco, laca caca. They all have syphilis and a certain half of the country is going to try very hard to maintain order at the cost of the top elite and you know that's not going to happen therefore/whereby bam. I will get back my family, you all will too, and you don't even know what's happening. You all think Trump is in cahoots with all those big countries. Hey, I would be too. But I'm not him. Hey, I'll be honest.. I didn't really like the guy (back when) only because I did know he had what it really takes. If it's bull shit, it's really good bullshit! I'm grateful to God he was at the right place at the right time. You can't make that up or time it! He actually had the (Oh well) look and suffice the expression when he thought it was over then to hear he won. 

Some of my last, past, posts are even in Russian in hopes it got back that we the 'ppl' don't have any problems personally with them. That eventually this will all be over. I even felt embarrassed of our commander with a little c! I had high expectations and I had already studied up on why there are Republicans a Democrats, I already knew Conservatives and Liberals.
We all, each and every one of us, have 'influence' and are not short of expression. Now to go on with life. Some will find the door, some dug holes for more and the little ppl, the ones that matter for production, will be happy to be part of this new world. There will be no more Hollywood as we know it. I just saw the Damon movie with the wall. I came away with 'Why would he make this movie'?..Matt Damon owns it now. He has opened the door to a diplomacy that outshines Apple, Google etc..  
Futures are in. the 'future' is out. A new reality not involving make-believe is going to keep us busy and happy. Hey just read my past posts! You know way ahead!

Friday, February 24, 2017

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Friday, December 16, 2016


Держитесь за вашу шляпу. Не дерзить. Задержите tonque. Скажем больше ничего. Будьте большим человеком. Подождите, ваше время будет только за углом. Подождите и время Виль хорошо стоит. Только беглый ребенка вы инструментом и дал ему дом в вашей стране виноват. Если есть быть виноват.
Не обращайте внимания на то, что происходит сейчас на эту дату. Не смотрите на время. Пусть время пройти это будет в вашу пользу.
Все указывает на тот, который начал взлома в новостях. Кто это? (?)!

Sunday, October 16, 2016


Пожалуйста, подождите до тех пор пока мы знаем исход наших выборов. Пожалуйста, не дают этого ублюдка в офисе, что он хочет. Люди не виноваты. Они никогда не виноваты. Они тупые роботы. Существует лучший мир вместе наши страны могут сделать это. Мы можем соответствовать нашим остроумие позже.

Friday, May 06, 2016

B*ll SH*T bLoG


 Okay let me chime in here, oh what the crap, I'm going to crash land this bitch.. Let me start with 60 years, that's me, then there's 100 years, that's my parents. By the time I was ten, I was caught up to one hundred years of history, yours mine and our. That's 150 years you can "NOT" erase from me. Some where in time, perhaps, some one will find this and say Hmm...
This blog is just that, a blog. Like me, just trying to put a view point out there. However, this is a lie. If you view the video, you will see that Trump did not say 'Drop Dead'!  The island of Puerto Rico is in debt because of many factors obvious to any economic strategist but what is not open to view any more is 'how' the island got to be where it is now not the 'why'. Let's start with a Google search for 'Pfizer to open in Puerto Rico: Then there's 'Pfizer mergers': Do you see where I'm going with this?
If they 'move' money, that's it! The total sum of these companies money 'is' the sum of the islands economy. There was nothing but mango groves and chick peas, plantains, bananas, sugar canes, exotic fruits, zoological oddities, more exotic animals, on and on, but because of one factor, we, (U.S.) could not import these delectable edibles due to agricultural differences that may introduce a bug that can destroy our nations food supply. For that reason, even the people are treated as second class citizens. Forget the Spanish and I mean from whence they came, the language, genetics, history then and now. The very people don't care let alone the American government.
 Which brings me to the 150 years ago. When My Great and Grand Parents had just settled to the Island for the Canaries and Spain. Food was a new frontier. Agriculture was a new frontier. Our (yes our, as I can relate) enemies were new bugs and new government. They had us by the throat fighting with brooms. They left us alone. There 'REALLY LEFT US ALONE'. So alone we were on our own to gain entry into the mainland. Most of us didn't. The Boricua Indian died of diseases brought from the main land and Europe. Some of the natives integrated into the 'nationality' to become a new race of beings now known as Puerto Ricans.

 The king of 'debt' knows what to do with the 'off shore' accounts, don't worry about that. That has nothing to do with the crisis within the country's economy. That has to do with little production within to sustain itself as they rely on the U.S. for most of it's help. The island doesn't produce anything for anyone, not even it's own citizens. It's a tiny island nation, that if left to it's own devices would lead it's self to it's own destruction. Certain 'nationalists' want it (the island) to become independent. If that was to happen, then all that Boricua crap, would have to be translated from Russian. Yes they are, they would and have said.
The Trump ( with a capital 'T' ) has plans you can not imagine. Your pockets can never take you there at this point in your life. BUT, (BIG BUT), you will see the competition between the 'democrats vs Republicans' vying for either Cuba and Puerto Rico as the destination capital of sun fun and entertainment. SI YA THERE!!

Monday, November 16, 2015

Friday, August 08, 2014

Быть или не быть, это не вопрос, это просьба!

Быть или не быть, это не вопрос, это просьба!

Спасибо за чтение моего поста здесь. Я надеюсь, что переводчик работает в нашу пользу. Вы знаете, что люди в Украине вашего творения, и он должен развиваться на своем собственном ради собственных нужд и хочет. Там нет необходимости, чтобы вторгнуться так резко или быть жестоким, чтобы он невинных детей и стариков.
Мы также должны оставаться друзьями и союзниками, чтобы мы вернуть себе власть над теми, которые являются немыми и глупо. Это не имеющее отношение к личной веры.
как сути, это было бы на пользу, если вы сделали 'БОЛЬШЕЕ' движение дружбы и 'помогли' нас в некотором роде!
Маленькие люди здесь, те, без голоса являются те, которые действительно имеют значение. Мы здесь хотите и хотел быть как одна большая счастливая семья, вашей стране и наша. Те, что пришли сюда из одного из ваших стран, как даже люблю качество здесь. Мы не есть все. У нас нет всю нашу семью. Мы не согласны на все, мы не теряем «надежда» и в этом разница.
На самом деле, вы грабли выше, чем наш собственный лидера здесь, потому что вы 'решающим'!
Спасибо, что нашли время!